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Following the outbreak of COVID-19, we have been collaborating with mask manufacturers  and materials testing laboratories, devoting resources to research and develop a high quality and sustainable face mask. After extensive exploration and materials testing, we are proud to present an effective face mask incorporating nanofiber technology; a truly washable product that offers powerful particle filtration, breathability, and maximum comfort in a spectrum of colors & patterns.


Na-know, what a mask should be.


A team of young professional female designers set out to make a change.


  • Why complicate when you can simplify?

  • Why sacrifice function or design when you can have both? 

  • What is innovation? 


After organizing several masks donations towards COVID-19, we learned we were faced with wasteful, uncomfortable, and dull products. These products are missing the interdependence of form and function. Na-know is a team of young professional female designers taking that challenge head on.

Our trusted manufacturing partners...

Dust-Free Manufacturing Environment

Our masks are manufactured ethically by our trusted partners. We practice safe and clean manufacturing in a dust free environment. 

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